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Encounters and Translations:
Mapping and Writing the Waters of the World

SIMPÓSIO ISHMAP | 3 e 4 jun. '16 | Auditório BNP  | Entrada livre | Inscrições

Simpósio organizado pelo ISHMap (The International Society for the History of the Map), pelo CIUHCT (Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia) e BNP.


Friday, 3rd June 2016

09h30 Opening Session | Sarah Tyacke (Chair of ISHMap), Thomas Horst (Local Organizer and trustee of ISHMap)
Moving beyond borders: from the history of cartography to the history of science | Henrique Leitão

10h15 Session 1: Indigenous Cartography | Chair: Thomas Horst
Changing Tides: Cartographic Depictions of Water as Reflections of Cultural Change in Ancient Mexico | Kathryn Marie Hudson
Islands as Mountains standing out from the Sea: The Case of Kunlun Islands in Chinese Cartography | Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann

11h15 Break

11h30 Session 2: Encounters and translations in overseas Cartography | Chair: Petra Svatek
Cartographic Representations of the South Atlantic in the luso-brazilian cartography: cartographers and spatial dynamics in the slave trade XVIII–XIX | Iris Kantor
Mapping the “Eastern Frontier”: American Explorers around the African Waters during 1870s | Tarik Tansu Yiğit
Surveying and Mapping Lands and Waters in Mozambique in late 19th century | Ana Roque

13h00 Lunchbreak

14h30 Session 3: Cartography of Rivers | Chair: Zsolt Török
The Muluya River as a millennia-old frontier: representations of the Algarve and the construction of geographic knowledge (14th–16th centuries) | Gonçalo Matos Ramos, André Oliveira Leitão, Luís Ribeiro Gonçalves
«Come dimostra il congiunto disegno»: Sketches, drawings and maps of the Po river in Early Modern Italy | Blythe Alice Raviola
Rafael Reyes and the Putumayo or Içá River: Amazon explorations, cartography and diplomacy (1874–1909) | David Ramírez Palacios

16h00 Break (with the possibility to see cartographic treasures of the BNP)

16h45 ISHMap Annual General Meeting

Saturday, 4th June 2016

09h30 Session 4: Nautical Charts and the Cartography of the Ocean | Chair: Emmanuelle Vagnon
The Kunstmann III Chart of the Atlantic Ocean: The Oldest Known Chart of Latitudes? | Gregory  C. McIntosh, Joaquim Alves Gaspar
Luís Teixeira, c. 1585: the earliest known extant chart with isogonic lines | Joaquim Alves Gaspar, Henrique Leitão

10h30 Break

11h00 Session 5: Cartography of coastlines | Chair: Catherine Delano Smith
The Vallard or Gandille atlas (1547), a reexamination | Nicolas Médevielle
Knowledge of coastlines, coastlines of knowledge. Visual epistemologies and notions of spatiality in Early Modern coastal profiles, 1585–1815 | Wouter de Vries
Between Land and Sea: Cartography of the Brazilian Coastline by Jesuit Mathematicians in the 1730s | Luís Tirapicos

12h30 Lunchbreak

14h00 Session 6: Mapping waters and space | Chair: Sarah Tyacke
Medieval inhibitions in re-inventing the Caspian sea | Mordechay Lewy
Imagination or reality? Hydrography depiction on maps of Polish lands from 16th to 19th century | Tomasz Panecki
The masters of the eighteenth-century British Navy and the production of hydrographic knowledge | Lena Moser

15h30 From the Rivers to the Ocean: Marsigli’s Maps in the Shadows of the Enlightenment | Zsolt Török (Founding member and former Chair of ISHMap)

Final discussion and end of the Symposium

Cabeçalho: pormenor de Pratica da arte de navegar de Luís Serrão Pimentel, 1673. [BNP IL. 156//1]